Tuesday 7 August 2012

Reasons Why - 14

Chapter 14

That evening Chloe went to the cinema with Didi, it was nice to have some female company, and she liked Didi, a lot. Any film with Christian Bale in was a winner for Chloe, and after they got coffee and a doughnut in Chloe’s new favourite discovery.

Sitting outside the small shop at the mall, they enjoyed the late evening, despite being dark, it wasn’t cold in fact there was a warm breeze that made it perfect.

                “So how are you finding Victoria?” Didi asked adding milk to her coffee.

Chloe sipped her coffee appreciatively before responding, “You know about me breaking down on Phil? I guess he told you.” Despite feeling so much better since sharing all her fears, she was embarrassed that she’d brought all this into their family. Didi gave a quiet nod, Chloe slumped back in her chair and sighed, “It’s great here, I love the boys, I love spending time with you and Phil. I just hate that I bring so much baggage...I wish I didn’t.”

Didi stirred the coffee silent in contemplation before looking up, “we all have bad times, and it’s how we get through them and what we learn about ourselves and others through those times that is the point. You’ve changed in the ten days you’ve been here. Maybe you needed the change of scenery, the time without the memories and the pressures. But hopefully when you go back to your life then you’ll have some better clarity. If you go back!”

Chloe laughed, “as if I could stay here! Nope, I will be going home, and hopefully by then I will have worked out how I’m going to get my life back into shape.”

Didi grinned, “Will that include seeing Chris again?”

She shrugged, “that’s not going to work, is it? I have to go back and pick the meat off the bones of my career, sort my life out. Not that there’s much left there. And he’s over here, a large pond of water between us. No, I can’t rely on anyone any more Di; I’ve got to take control.”

Didi covered Chloe’s hand with hers, “it’s normal to ask for help. I rely on Phil all the time, and he relies on me...Owen...well it hit Phil hard, then when you weren’t at the funeral and he didn’t see you, he had the guilt of not being able to stay and help you. He needed me to tell him that he was doing all he could. It was my suggestion we invite you out here, and you being here has helped him. Unbelievably so. But that’s what happens in life, family, friends, we help each other out.”

Chloe smiled, “so me being a wreck is at a benefit to someone!”

They both laughed, Didi glad that Chloe had understood the nature of her pep talk. She had really enjoyed having the younger woman in the house, and hopefully by the time she left the family would be more unified.

                “So are you seeing Chris tomorrow? Only Phil was talking about treating us all to dinner in the evening.”

Chloe nodded, “we were supposed to be seeing each other tomorrow as he travels to the mainland for a game on Saturday, they’re not back until Sunday afternoon.”

                “So we can do something when he’s away then. I’ve got a light practice in the evening anyway so we would have to eat early anyway.”

                “No,” Chloe smiled as they gathered their things, “if Chris is serious about spending time with me, then he needs to appreciate that I am spending time with my family...he can join us, can’t he?”

Didi nodded, “I think Phil would love that!”

Phil was watching a football match on TV when they get home and he smiled at them both as they came in. “Good night?”

Chloe nodded, sitting opposite him, they chatted for a while, watching the game until the two workers decided they needed to turn in as they had early starts. Once they’d left her alone, she took the opportunity to call Chris. He sounded sleepy, but answered in a few rings.
                “How was Bale?”

She giggled liking the sleepy quality to his voice that was instantly sexy, “hot and sexy, but that’s a given! How’s you?”

He sighed, “devastated that a fake super hero usurps me!”

                “Big words for a sleepy boy!”

It was his turn to laugh, “I woke up the second I heard your voice...very awake!”

                “That’s a good thing...I mean I have access to a car...I think I remember where you are!”

It was a spontaneous decision, hearing the longing, the desire, the sexy tone to his voice. Suddenly she wanted to be with him.

                “You’ll come over? Now?”

                “I’m walking out the door as I speak!”

Chloe left a note in the kitchen, knowing that Didi wouldn’t mind her borrowing her car; she’d be back in time for work.

Chris’ house was in darkness as she pulled into the driveway, amazed that she’d managed to retrace the taxi journey from the previous morning. But when she closed the car and made for the house, the front door opened, and Chris, still looking half asleep with the cutest bedhair, stood there, dressed in only a pair of sweats hung low on his lean hips, she savoured the expanse of naturally tanned flesh, the smattering of hair, the muscular body...and that SO cute sleepy face.

                “Am I still asleep? Is this a dream?” he murmured as she wound her arms around his neck and the words were lost as her lips found his. A hot, promising and earth shattering kiss.

When they pulled apart, he placed a finger over her lips, “Ssh. Kaleb’s here.”

Nodding she tiptoed after him along the corridor, but when the bedroom door closed behind them, Chris reached for her, suddenly wanting to shed her of her clothes, needing to feel her warm soft skin under his fingers.  As he started to tug at her t-shirt, Chloe kicked off her shoes, one bounced against the closed door with a crash. Fighting giggles, they devoured each other’s mouths, Chloe only pulling away to toss her t-shirt, jeans and then bra across the room.

With a push, Chris forced her back onto the bed and as she landed with a thump, a loud laugh escaped her lips. Chris pounced on her with a ‘shush’ before once again he claimed her lips.

                “What the fuck you doing in there?”  A voice shouted from across the hall, and they both stifled giggles.

                “How can I scream now knowing he’s listening?” she whispered against his cheek.

Chris’ hand slid down her body both savouring her readiness, and loving the gasp that escaped her lips as he explored her. “I’m hoping that the screams will all be moans!” He offered as his lips traced a pattern down to join his inquisitive hands.

Suddenly screams/moans...she didn’t care what noise she made, or if four hundred people were sat outside the room, and she exploded around his investigative tongue and fingers, all she wanted was him inside her.  Reaching down she grabbed his shoulders and started pulling him towards her. He hovered over with a grin, then she felt his erection nudging at her, she swung her legs around his waist and drew him into her. A long low sigh escaped her lips as he filled her...full.

For Chris this was everything, rolling around on his bed, imbedded in this woman, he could barely control his lust, and within very little time, and with only a little encouragement she was climaxing loudly and it just dragged him over that precipice with her.

Poor Kaleb, was her first thought as she opened her eyes the next morning, spooned against Chris, his chest to her back, his already growing erection nestled against her buttocks, arms wrapped tightly around her. He was as insatiable as she was. Glancing across the room she spotted the box of condoms that was now empty, she blushed at the memories of the amount and the ways that they’d made love that night. She’d never known anything could be like this.

Chloe knew she had to go, her brother and Didi would be going to work in an hour, but she wasn’t going to run out on him today, she hadn’t quite finished with Chris Petrakis. Turning in his arms, she slid down his body to take him in her mouth, ensuring that Chris had a wake-up call that he wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

Chloe grinned when she spotted Kaleb asleep on the sofa downstairs. If she ever needed evidence that her and Chris had been a little over-energetic the previous night, that was it, but she wasn’t about to apologise.

That evening she went out for dinner with Phil, Didi and the kids. Chris had intended to join them, but he called mid afternoon to say he was stuck an hour out of town at a training camp. Chloe wasn’t sure what she was doing later. She felt a bit obligated to spend the evening with the family, so she sadly suggested she saw him when he returned Sunday.

During the dinner at a lovely waterfront restaurant, Carter wanted to sit virtually on Chloe’s lap, since she’d been caring for them the last two weeks; he had become her shadow, following her around. And she loved it. He was such a cool little boy.

                “What you having to eat?” She asked him. Didi was worried that he was becoming fussy with his food, so Chloe wanted to use her popularity to encourage him.

As Carter looked up at his ‘Aunty Clo’ with hero worshipping eyes, Didi looked up with a smile, “hamburger...and fries!”

Chloe nodded knowingly, but when she didn’t answer, he asked, “what you eating?”

Chloe waved a hand to dismiss him, “all too healthy for you I’m afraid.” He was still waiting so she added, “well chicken, cos that’s what Batman ate in the film we saw yesterday...then carrots because they help you see in the dark...and then potatoes. But I’m sure you’re better off with your burger and fries.”

As Chloe turned to talk to Phil, Carter turned to Didi, “Can I have chicken and carrots with my fries?”

Didi grinned, that was a definite compromise, “of course darling!”

Before dessert Didi had a message signal from her phone, and checking it she groaned. “There’s been a power issue at the rink; the ice isn’t hard enough for us to skate... so no training!”

Phil groaned, “What a nightmare...you’ll just have to enjoy dessert now as compensation!” Didi had chosen to avoid any more food as she feared it would implicate heavily on her playing later, but now she could grin and reach for the dessert menu.

Back at home, Chloe put the boys to bed, leaving Phil and Didi to relax in front of the TV. They loved the Gruffalo, and particularly Chloe’s version. She guessed it was probably her accent that made it so different but whatever it was, they were both asleep before she’d got to the end, Carter on her lap, Mikey in his cot.

Carrying Carter into his room, she tucked him in, kissed his head then turned out the lights.

Phil and Didi were curled up on the sofa together, what her mother would call canoodling in. For the first time since she’d been in their house, she felt a little awkward. These two deserved their time alone too.

                “Do you guys mind if I head out for a few hours?”

Phil smiled, “young love hey Dee?”

Didi nudged him, “leave her alone! Of course we don’t mind. Where are you going? Do you need a ride?”

Where was she going? She had no idea! She wanted to see Chris, of course she did, but the last she’d heard, he was stuck out of town. She called his house but there was no answer. The chances were he was out, in town. It was the night before the game, there wasn’t the strict curfew that they had in other sports, but she knew he didn’t drink much when he had these pressures. There was a strong chance that he wasn’t downtown in one of the bars she now knew he frequented. But then she could come home and have an early night.

It was ten pm on by the time she got to Government Street, and the close group of busy bars and restaurants. It was a warm night and people filled the small terraces outside the buildings, bleeding onto the street in a mass of colour and noise. Suddenly her plan to seek out Chris Petrakis was looking a little dubious, but it was a week since he rescued her, and her instinct said he’d be out there...somewhere. But as she walked into the busy bar, she almost instinctively knew he wasn’t inside.

Stepping back into the street, she suddenly remembered the bar he’d taken her to the previous Sunday. It wasn’t far. At almost a jog, she rushed down the street, taking a few lefts, then a right. And there she saw the neon light outside the back street bar. With a sigh of relief she burst in through the door.

The place was heaving, people pressed up against each other, swaying to the music in a hot heady atmosphere. Slicing and weaving through the crowds, Chloe climbed on to a bar stool and ordered a beer. With the bottle safely in her hand, she turned to peruse the crowd.

The crowd was varied, from groups of giggling girls, to well dressed men, staking out the room. So many people, but none of them Chris. Then as she was about to give up, she saw a shock of white blond hair the opposite side of the room. Could that be Kaleb? Standing onto the footrest of her stool she was elevated a foot higher. Yep, from that height she could see it was Chris’ best mate.  Straining her eyes and craning her neck, she managed to work out that there were five of them all together, and she recognised the other four from the game the previous weekend.

No Chris. She sighed, draining her bottle, she’d head home, Phil and Didi might be in bed then she could email her friends in peace and quiet, maybe even IM them, you never knew who’d be up early on a Saturday what with the time difference.

As she gathered her things, the front door opened and Chris walked in, he was greeted by a raucous cheer. Grinning he accepted the beer that was wafted in his direction.

The six men stood out in the bar, in a way that famous or gifted people did, there was a space of respect around them, but a hell of a lot of women were sidling up and bumping into them in that deliberate and obvious ‘accidental’ way.

Was she jealous? As much as Chloe tried to deny it to herself, she knew that she hated seeing women like this, draped over him. As she contemplated that thought, a raven haired woman, curvaceous and immaculately made-up draped her arms around his neck. Chloe could admit easily that he was by far the best looking of the group, tall, dark and handsome, and he was obviously a known name and face in this town, that notoriety and success only enhancing his attraction.

Suddenly the last thing she wanted was for him to think she was following him, or stalking him in some way, now she was regretting coming here. This was a fledgling and temporary relationship, it didn’t need this hassle.

Standing she was about to exit via the side door Chris had secreted her through the last time they’d come here, when she gave one last glance across. As she did a searching pair of eyes flicked onto hers as they surveyed the room. In almost comedic fashion his lazy gaze moved past her, then with increased urgency he turned his head to reconnect with her.

Chloe sighed, this was what she’d wanted, the look of extreme pleasure that lit up that beautiful face. Without even bothering to excuse himself, he started to stride towards her, uncaring of who he hit out of his way.  She watched the almost slow motion movement with a content smile on her face.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the last bit of the chapter. I could just imagine it happening and its so sweet. I'm glad everything is going well, but I'm waiting for something to go terribly wrong.

    You see I enjoy it when the main characters relationships are but to the test. I dont know why, but I just prefer it went it goes all wrong. But I always look foreward to the happily ever after.

    Thank you for posting. I hope I'm not too demanding, its just I really enjoy your stories and they're simply part of my day. I have to regularly check if you've posted another chapter or not.. I'm always eagerly waiting.

    Post Soon
    Samaira T
