Wednesday 8 August 2012

Reasons Why - 15

Chapter 15

As he stood in front of her, nudging his hips between her denim clad thighs, Chloe was glad of the high stool lifting her to eye level with him. The warmth emanated from his brown eyes as he devoured her hungrily, the appreciative smile highlighting the cute dimples that dented his cheeks. Wow, Chloe thought, Chris Petrakis is one handsome man, if there was ever any doubt.
Watching her intently, a question seemed to dance on his lips for a second, but it disappeared as his mouth flew desperately to hers. The kiss was breathtaking, heart racing, her arms snaked around him pulling him further into her embrace, and Chris was more than happy to settle there, his hard muscular body pressed up against hers.

                “What are you doing here?” he asked finally pulling away, cupping her face in his hands, staring down into her eyes, “I thought you were out with your brother.”

She nipped his bottom lip between her teeth not wanting that kiss to end, “they were all a little loved up after dinner. I needed to escape. But you’re the only person I know here...and you weren’t home. So I came for a beer.”

He grinned, “I’m glad that you found me. I missed having dinner with you...I missed you!”

Laughing, Chloe walked her fingers up his chest in a provocative gesture, “you did huh?”

                “I think Kaleb is about to disown me. He was annoyed at being kept up all night; he seems to think that I’ve got mad for you. Can’t think what gave him that idea. Don’t think he’ll forgive me if I leave his lads night for you!”

She craned across the room, the five men were still laughing and joking, no one seemed to be any the wiser. When she told him that, his eyes lit up in a wicked way, and within moments they were bolting out of the side door and running along the darkened streets, not stopping until they were well clear of the bar, his friends and any other distraction.

Slowing down, Chris led her by the hand as their racing hearts started to calm, to a very quiet wine bar, secreted away in a quiet location, somewhere she’d never been before.

                “This is the road just heading out of town. It’s quiet. Isn’t that what we want?”

She nodded, “it is. Can I get you a drink Mr Petrakis?”

He shrugged, “I’m away tomorrow...I can have one more beer, that’s it!”

In a rare role reversal, he sat and watched her laugh with the barman as he served her a couple of beers, and then eyeballed her hungrily as she crossed the room to him. Sitting opposite she handed him a bottle.

                “Are you Christopher or Christian?”

Chuckling he took a mouthful of beer, “neither! I am actually Christos. But NO one ever calls me that!”

With wide eyes she stared at him, “you REALLY suit Christos. I think I might call you that from now on!”

Any protest at that was lost in the sexy way that she verbalised his name, suddenly he loved the full version of his name.

                “It’s a traditional Greek name, and I am the first born son of a proud Greek man! Doesn’t mean I let people call me Christos, BUT, I do like the way you say that. In fact I think it’s a compulsory name for the bedroom...maybe not in a bar!”

As she laughed he could hear her purr that name at him in the throes of passion, and he was glad there was a table between the, to hide his rather strong reaction to that.

Chloe was contemplative, watching the emotions cross his face with hidden amusement. “So are you expected to win your game tomorrow?”

He shrugged, “I hope so, we’re having a nothing season really. Middle of the league, not really doing much. Which is a shame, cos this town really loves its Lax!”

                “I don’t know anything about it, but it looked fast...exciting!”

Nodding, he sipped his beer, “I don’t know quite how I got into it really, school, High School. Though I loved all sports, I just gelled with lacrosse, then when I discovered the box version, and I was hooked.” He leaned back stretching his arms along the back of the chair, “and it’s been a good friend.”

                “But you move around a lot. Do you like that?” She thought of herself, whilst she loved holidays she’d never been one for moving. She’d stayed at the same job, lived in the same borough, even the same flat for the last few years. Here was he moving on a whim.
                “It doesn’t offer stability for anyone else, but I’m pretty sensible despite what people think. I’ve got a few apartments in various places. Invested money, you know?”

She nodded, “but you still move every few months?”

Sighing he leaned forward again, “I don’t sell myself well, do I? Ha ha. Seriously there are a dozen or so teams that are suitable for my level in the winter, mainly East coast but not essentially, then I play mid or West coast Canada in the summer. It’s not easy...”

                “No wonder your family are keen to come out here. They must miss you.”

He groaned, “They’re planning on coming next weekend. Hell as far as I’m concerned. But what do I matter in it all? What about you though? What do you do when you finish here?”

Suddenly this quest for more knowledge had flipped and she was being questioned. How could she tell him anything when she really didn’t know herself what would happen?

                “Well officially I’m here another two weeks. I’m due out of Seattle in four weeks time, then I stop off in New York for a few days. After that I don’t know. Now that I’m here I’m tempted to stay until my flight in Victoria. I’m liking being with Phil and Didi, and the kids...” he coughed deliberately and she smiled, “you were a definite bonus Mr Petrakis. I intended to head to Vancouver, maybe up to Banff or Lake Louise then overland back to Sea-Tac, but now I just want to stay.”

                “And London?”

She laughed, “No job, no home, no life! Whilst it’s not a tempting situation to return to, I have to. There’s no option otherwise.”

                “Why don’t you travel a little longer, change your flight home? The new life you’re seeking can start in a few months, can’t it?” It was a brave suggestion and Chris wanted to hold his breath, hoping that she didn’t bolt. “Not that I’m being selfish, as much as I like being with you...but there’s a lot between New York and here.” With a nervous smile he offered, “If you’re still here in a month I have the task of driving back to the East coast. That’s the down side of bringing my car here...I’d love a navigator for the drive.”

Chloe was unable to respond. She had to be home in ten weeks. Ready for the trial. Her heart sank at the thought. Staying in North America wasn’t practical and it wasn’t possible. Then there was Chris, the more time she spent with him the harder it was going to be to leave him. The thought of being heartbroken and then having to testify at the case...her fragile psyche was only just managing to cope with everything. She couldn’t go back to those dark places again.

Smiling at him she reached out to take his hand, “I’ve got a lot going on Chris, I can’t commit to anything more than I have at the moment.” His face dropped and she slid her other hand to cup his jaw. “I’m not rejecting you. Don’t think that...I just...I’ve been in a bad place; this is the best I’ve felt in SO long. Can we just see how things go, play it by ear?”

He grinned, trying desperately to hide his disappointment, “I hate the thought of you leaving!”

Rubbing her thumb along his bottom lip, she smiled, “like I said I don’t know when I’m leaving...and we have to just make the most of every day. Ok?”

Chris wanted to think that this was it, that it’d all be ok, but serious doubts were creeping in to his life and he didn’t know how to change that.

Chloe went to the beach with Didi and the kids on Saturday Phil was playing golf. She was tired after her night with Chris, they’d barely slept, the honesty, the depth of their talk the previous evening seemed to bring a different level to their night. He’d been so desperate to please her, and she’d clung to him as though he was life itself. Their parting that morning had been more traumatic than she’d ever imagined, and she was glad of the boys to drag her from her reverie.

Didi knew better than to question her, though she could tell that something had changed in Chloe. She only hoped it wasn’t the step back they’d all been dreading.

That night they shared an Indian takeaway, Phil watched Chris’ game on local TV with a few beers. Chloe read her book, though her eyes spent more time deviating towards the screen she was so obviously trying to ignore.

Sunday she took the opportunity of a lie in, then visited the local swimming pool. She enjoyed swimming more than running and the effort of the strong strokes took her mind away from the trauma of her very delicate love-life.

Chris had emailed her several times, and on Sunday evening when Phil presented her with an old phone, she was glad of the chance to text him. They’d won; he was shattered, but euphoric. Whilst half of her screamed to distance herself from him, the other half loved his sweet messages, his endearing conversations, and the way he made her feel cherished. So she was waiting for him when he drove there, straight from the bus drop off, climbing into the car to spend yet another night in his arms. The unresolved issues weighing on both their minds.

For the rest of the week things meandered along at the same pace. She spent time away from her family with Chris when she could, but on Friday evening, as they lay in his bed, curled up in each other’s arms, he finally breached the topic that had hung silently between them.

                “Have you thought any more...about what I said?” his arms tightened around her as he felt her body tense. “I know you want to run, bury your head in the sand, but I can’t do that Chloe. My folks arrive in the morning, it’ll put pressure on us, I know that much, so we have to talk about this now. I’m sorry if I spoke out of turn in inviting you to travel with me, for wanting to spend more time with you. But I don’t want that to ruin what there is between us, so if it’s ‘no Chris, stop pushing me’ then I get it. I don’t love it, but I have another week or two with you. That’s the important thing.”

He looked SO nervous, and so fraught that pain shot through her heart, “I don’t want to leave...but I HAVE to at some point. But I did speak to Phil. I’m staying until my flight in three weeks. At the moment I’m going to fly when I’m due. I can’t promise more. OK?”

Grinning, he cupped her cheek, his body slowly rolling over hers, “the thought of double our time left is more than I deserve.”

He was already hard and impressive against her, and Chloe couldn’t believe that this man was so insatiable...but then she felt exactly the same way.

And in the aftermath she was happy, content, she’d give as much as she could, as much as she could allow, and he’d have to accept that.

Phil and Didi had taken the boys to her parents the following day, so Chloe was happy, relaxed and unconcerned that Chris’ parents were arriving, and Chris was glad that he could escape to Phil’s to stay with Chloe at night. Neither wanted a repeat of the disruption that their antics had caused to Kaleb.  They were due into the airport at two pm, so Chris left Chloe at the house. She’d promised to make up the spare bedrooms for him after seeing him trying to change a duvet cover, then planned to head home.

After that, then loading the dishwasher and folding his laundry...(when did she become his housekeeper?) she was happy with her work, but hot and bothered, so she stripped down to her bikini and did a few laps of the pool. The sun was beating down, and after her relaxing swim, she folded her elbows on the poolside, and laid her head on them, her body floating behind her.

She must have fallen asleep, because she was woken by a shout of exclamation, “TheE moo.

Shaking her head, Chloe tried to peel her eyes open and then gasped. Stood in front of her was a vision she’d never imagined in her wildest dreams...or nightmares. An older, very tanned man with rather a lot of very dark body hair in the most ridiculously tiny Speedo trunks was stood over her, a beer in one hand, and his other hand at his mouth in shock.

And with a heavily accented voice he called out, “Christos! What is going on here?” 


  1. Oh!! I just realised the picture above is Chris' father. I cringed at the sight of that pic.

    A cliffhanger! Please post soon, I'm desperate to read what happens next. I wonder if it all goes wrong from here or if Chris' father is actually quite nice.

    Post SOon
    Samaira T

  2. Lolz the picture is funny just like the ending line

    Looking forward for the next chapter

