Thursday 8 May 2014

Trying Not to Love You - The Ending

The Ending
Wanted to finish of the story for these two, hope you enjoy a little insight to their future!

Martha looked up at the man she could now call her husband and smiled. This had been a dream, a complete dream...come true. Sonny took her hand and brought it to his lips, planting them just next to the ring on her third finger.
                “I love you Mrs Carter.”
She beamed, she’d spent the whole day grinning, “I love you too.”
Feeling a million dollars, she basked in his smile, a smile that could warm the darkest night. He looked beautiful in his immaculate dark suit, cream shirt and bronze tie, all chiselled jaws and perfect teeth, though how that had managed to happen after the fights he’d got into she’d never know. His almost black hair was shorter than she remembered it being, but that meant that his eyes seemed bigger. She remembered the first time she’d seen him, dark and mysterious eyes with a haunted look watching her from a distance. If truth be known she’d been entranced from that very first moment. And now he was FINALLY hers, after SO many false starts and hiccups. Her heart surged with pleasure, a privilege after so much pain.
                “Ready?”He whispered against her hand, still touching her lips.  When she nodded, he smiled again, “you are amazing!”

He nodded at the registrar before together they turned to face the people gathered to be part of their celebration, Sonny had wanted it to be just the two of them, he hated big occasions, and Martha had given in to that, but with his father, her father, Lucy, Stephanie, Henry, then of course Ethan...and Paul and his kids, Jack, Mike and Evie the guest list started to grow. So here they were in the ballroom of Michael’s house. It was decorated with dozens of white roses. The registrar stood on a podium in the centre of the room and the thirty plus guests were sat behind them.  Eamonn, Bill, their wives, plus a few others completed the crowd.
Everyone cheered smiled then walked through the room, out into the reception room. In the brief moment before they were inundated with the best wishes of their friends and family, Sonny turned to her, “you look...amazing. You ARE amazing,” he was repeating himself but he didn’t care. “Mrs Carter.”
She beamed again, she’d deliberated for days over her dress, she wasn’t one for meringues, and being the centre of attention was already stressing her out, it had been in the throes of all that, that her father had brought out the dress her mother had worn for their wedding thirty years earlier. She had no idea that had kept the dress, and it was perfect, vintage, classy, and definitely not over elaborate, a strappy floor length in cream but covered in lace, full length lace sleeves, and a slight train that made her feel SO elegant. She had no veil, but Helen had spent an hour earlier that day lifting her hair up into a Grecian style, appearing loose and lights, but in reality teased to within an inch of its’ life, and embedded with clusters of gypsophila.
She smiled at him, “thank you, but I think I got the best deal. I have got the most amazingly beautiful husband.”
She gasped as she said the word, a myriad of emotions washing over her, then looked up and saw the same expression on his face. It was still a wonder to think that this was it...they were truly married.
                “My wife...” he breathed with amazement, “I love my wife.”

Sonny looked down at her, her smiling face, eyes glistening with tears, she was the centre of his world, and finally they were committed to each other. He lowered his head to kiss her, he never got bored of that, then felt a thud against his leg, looking down he saw Ethan arms extended a smile on his face.
                “So you’re my Dad now? Phew!”
Sonny looked at Martha, then back at the boy, shaking his head in wonder, how had he lived so long without them in his life? And Ethan was as important as Martha, lifting him up he gave him a bear hug. Glancing over Martha’s shoulder he sighed. Time waited for no one, apparently. Their guests had gathered and were all posed in the doorway watching the three of them. He had wanted to get married immediately, but she’d insisted that they wait, and it had been two and a half months of torture for him. But now as he looked at her, at them, he knew it was the right thing. The sun was shining, it was a beautiful day, and the rays streaming through the windows only enhanced Martha’s serenity.
Tomorrow they were heading off to Italy, the Amalfi coast, and then eight days later; Carl and Stephanie were bringing Ethan to join them, a week to themselves before being joined by the third member of their family.  Life was perfect.
Taking her hand, Ethan still on his hip, he led his family towards the people waiting to spend a moment with them.

An hour later after champagne, canapés, and a gazillion photos, they were ensconced in the back of Michaels huge sleek saloon car, driving to the Oak. There a gazebo was filled with two thirds of the village all waiting to celebrate with them over a barbeque and champagne.
Sonny sat back, head against the rest, then tilted his head towards her, “you were right.”
She looked up at him and smiled, and pure pleasure wafted over the whole of his body, “aren’t I always?”
He laughed, “yep, usually, but I meant about this...the whole day. It’s been perfect.”
Her giggles turned to shudders when he placed a hand on her thigh, “you haven’t got to the party yet.”
Groaning he massaged her thigh then lifted his head as his hand encountered something, “what’s that?”
Laughing she gathered up her skirts to show him the lacy blue garter that her aunt had presented to her over breakfast, “something blue...from Lucy.”
He rolled his eyes, “how the hell am I going to concentrate all afternoon as I socialise with every hanger on from here to Northbury and beyond, knowing that this is hiding under your dress?” he tweaked the elastic and she moaned as it kicked back slapping against her inner thigh. “Shit, you are wife is a sadist!”
Sonny loved the look of sexy confidence in his wife, of all the women he’d ever met, only she had the ability to both make him feel infinite protectiveness and pride, but also devotion and love. Some days the depth of his feelings for her scared him, but he now knew that the alternative - life without her, wasn’t an option. Till Death Do Us Part. He couldn’t have agreed more.

Two hours later, he finally found his wife again; they’d been separated by the dozens of well wishers who wanted to share in their happiness.
                “You having fun?” Sonny asked, pulling her into his arms.
She nodded, “the day has been perfect.”
He grinned, “it has been better than I imagined, but as much as I’ve loved it, love your dress...I’ll be even happier when we’re alone and that...” he ran his finger along the neckline of her dress, “is in the bedroom floor!”
Blushing, she pulled him out into the makeshift dance floor, “if we get this dance out the way, then we can get out of here all the quicker!”
Sonny beat her to the middle of the dance floor, because she was right, and he loved that they both wanted the same enjoy the dance, then piss off alone...together.
He’d chosen the song they’d dance to, and she had no idea what it was. Pulling her into his arms, he pressed his lips to her ear and started to sing along to arguably the greatest love song ever written, Something by The Beatles.
You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around now it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me

Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

Martha sighed, was it possible to cry anymore than she already had?  This man seemed to affect her every sense.
Smiling she rested her head against his shoulder, sighing with pleasure. Life was perfect.

                “You look pale. You ok?”
She’d been trying to drag herself away from the well wishers all evening, she hadn’t eaten since before the service, and there’d been far too much champagne, and the odd G&T.
                “I can’t believe how exhausted I am. It’s been such a long day.”  She smiled at the concern in Sonny’s eyes, “you won’t be so sympathetic later when I pass out on you...all those plans for our wedding night.”
He groaned then sarcastically rolled his eyes, “oh no, the bridal suite at a hotel wasted on your tiredness, is there still time to trade you in for a more obliging model?”
She swatted at him, “how soon can we leave?”
He shrugged, “Lucy’s on the door like a pit bull, not sure anyone can get in or out.”
She groaned, “do your magic stud, you can charm the birds out of the trees Carter. I want to leave in fifteen minutes, ok?”
He mock saluted then pushed her in the direction of the remaining food, “eat something, you’ll feel better, and it’ll help you get some energy.”

Twenty four hours later they were at the airport and flying to Italy. Sonny more relaxed than ever, Martha tense, but hiding it well. Even though the wedding had been on a small scale, it had been stressful. She couldn’t wait for the morning when all she had to do was lie on a sun bed and be waited on by her husband. Glancing to her right she smiled, his eyes were closed, his chest rising and falling in a cadence that indicated he was asleep, but his left hand was gripping hers, fingers entwined, his other hand was over the top of their joined hands, she felt so protected, so loved. Sighing she closed her eyes, this anxiety unsettling her was maybe habit. She’d been worrying about things for five years, it was time she relaxed. A massage, that’s what she’d have once she got to the hotel. That would help.
She knew that a smile was lighting up her face as she thought of her husband giving her that massage...naked.

The Amalfi Coast was unbelievable. Sonny had never been anywhere like it. The hotel they were staying in was a small three story building cut into the cliff. Two floors with a dozen rooms overlooking the ground floor pool, and beyond it each room had picturesque views of the Tyrrhenian Sea, turquoise water met the azure skies. It was heaven on earth.
                “You coming for a swim?” He came in from the balcony to look at Martha still curled up under the crisp white sheets in bed.
She opened her eyes sleepily, “can’t I just stay in bed? It’s so comfortable?”
He shook his head, “it’s almost midday, we’re on our honeymoon, whilst I want to spend as much time alone with you before the sprog gets here, I really want to savour this place.”
She groaned, “ok.”
Half an hour later she was dressed and they made it to the ground floor terrace. As she reclined on a sun bed under the shade of an umbrella, Sonny lowered himself beside her and gestured to a waiter, and ordered them some breakfast.
They ate pancakes and drank coffee, but then Martha fell back asleep, dangerously leaving Sonny so peruse the leaflets for the local attractions. Helicopter and boat trips were top of his agenda, as he looked at his sleeping wide he groaned, she’d rather seven days not leaving the hotel.
Compromise he had to remind himself.

He was hauling himself out of the pool a little later when she finally opened her eyes and sat up.
                “You ok?” Sonny asked lowering himself into the seat beside her, water coursing off his body and leaving puddles beneath him on the hot dry patio.
She nodded, “alive again. It’s your fault for being insatiable. Are you trying to double up this week before Ethan arrives?”
Sonny chuckled, “not sure about that. Now I’ve booked us on a boat trip, it’s a private charter yacht, takes us along the coast, moors for lunch at a private beach, then brings us back. What do you reckon?”
Martha smiled, “boat? You?” With a little shrug she smiled, “sounds great!”

However later that day after showering before dinner, he emerged once again to find her asleep. Sat beside her he shook her awake, if she was that tired then they could stay in, she’d had a stressful few months organising the wedding, he had to conceded that, but as he shook her gently, her eyes didn’t open and she didn’t respond.
Sonny had never known fear like it. Suddenly it felt like his life was running away from him like sand through fingers. He was in a panic, trying desperately to think.
Calling reception he was informed there was no doctor in residence, so he asked them to call an ambulance, that was all he could do.

It felt like an hour before the paramedics arrived, but may have been ten minutes. Martha had opened her eyes once, but that was all. The man and woman spoke in rapid Italian and he had no idea what they were saying, but soon she had a drip in her arm and a monitor measuring her vital signs.
                “We need to take her to hospital,” they finally announced, and in a daze he followed them.

It seemed like hours that he waited in a faceless waiting room, uncomfortable plastic chairs, walls covered in posters he couldn’t read. Eventually a man in his fifties came and smiled at him, he was dressed in blue theatre scrubs, but a badge on his chest Consulente di Emergenza which despite Sonny not speaking Italian, it seemed reasonable to presume he was an Emergency Consultant.
He introduced himself in heavily accented English then smiled.
                “Mrs Carter can see you now.”
Immediately his racing heart eased, his panic started to reduce. “She’s ok?”
He nodded, then as he led him to her room, he smiled, “but she needs to look after herself better. She’s dehydrated; her salt levels are very high. It can be quite dangerous...” He opened the door and Sonny saw Martha sat up in bed, still attached to a drip, but looking SO much healthier.
Rushing to her side, he bent down to kiss her, “you ok? You look better.”
She nodded her face bewildered for a moment, then she looked past him to the consultant, “have you told him?”
The older man shook his head, “no.”
Martha smiled up at Sonny, “I’m pregnant.”
He struggled to process those words for a moment, staring at her, then he glanced at the consultant who still stood in the doorway. “How...I thought...”
Martha grinned at him floundering and took his hands, “I didn’t believe him, he had to show me the blood results. But it’s true.”
Sonny felt as though the world had stopped turning, he looked at the older man, “she was told she couldn’t...”
He shrugged, “fertility is a very strange thing, no one can really now, and nature never fails to surprise us. Congratulations.”
With that he backed out of the room.

Martha looked at Sonny and started to panic, “you ok?”
He shook his head for a moment, not in a negative way, but in a 'trying to clear my head' kind of way, “I can’t believe it!”
Finally he smiled, “this is amazing...”
Martha breathed a sigh of relief, “you’re pleased?”
He sat on the bed beside her, taking her hands on hers, “you doubted it?”
Shrugging she studied him; “you looked terrified.”
He grinned, “it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard. It scares me...” When her eyes widened he laughed, “you told me to be honest. I’m scared that I don’t know how to be a father, I never had one...what if I screw up its life?”
That made her laugh, “my son loves you far more than he does me. Whatever you do, you do it right, on are already a father, don’t you see that?”
He dropped his head for a moment, when he looked up he was beaming, “a baby? Wow. I can’t quite believe it!”
She laughed, “me neither.”

As he pulled her into his arms, she saw the tears in his eyes and she closed her own, savouring the moment, this was what all the hell had been about, this was why she’d suffered for so long, somewhere in the depths of fate there was a plan for her, and the previous twenty eight, and particularly most of the last six years had been an endurance, a test, but she’d obviously passed it, because now she had won the greatest prize.


  1. I know I make a broken record but this ending definitely calls for it, such a PERFECT way to close the story MZ! I was hoping you'd write an epilogue just to tie things together and I can't imagine anything else that would make the ending better, everything I wanted for them happened and I am so, so happy for them! First off the wedding, I loved that despite wanting a smaller and more private ceremony they ended up enjoying themselves with everyone. It also goes to show how far they both came from such loneliness to being surrounded by so many loved ones who wanted to celebrate the happiness they absolutely deserved. And of course, the pregnancy, the one thing I knew was almost too much to hope for, I just LOVED that it actually happened for them! With the superwoman Martha has been throughout the story I could just tell she couldn't be that tired without a reason, and though I was a little bit scared with Sonny I knew everything was going to be okay, and alas things were better than okay they were PERFECT :D

    Hehe I hope my enthusiasm is conveyed well enough through this comment because you really have just made my day with this ending. Thank you SO much for writing this, MZ. You're a gem!

    xx alisonwonderland

    1. Alison, I am SO glad you loved it, this couple over all of them deserved a really happy ending, I always wanted Martha to have a baby too. Sometimes I fear these endigns are cheesy, but then this is no award winning literary tome, it's a romance novel, so a happy ending is expected.
      I love your' comments, they have been sorely missed! So glad you're back!

  2. Yayyy I really wanted and wished for Nature to show its miracle! !!!
    Loved it wonder if they'll be having a baby girl?

    1. A little bit cheesy, but they deserved it, didn't they?
      Thanks for reading Annie, :)

  3. The perfect ending to Martha and Sonny's story. I always wanted Martha and Sonny to have a baby, even though Martha was told she was infertile I still believed she would have a child. :D A perfect happy ending for this story. Thank you ever so much.

    Samaira T

    1. It made me happy to finally end this story on the positive, but without either of them compromising themselves!
      Thanks for the loyal commenting, you have NO idea how vital that is to me!!

  4. Ethan is the most adorable thing ever! LOVE THE WEDDING SCENE.. and totally called it, knew they were going to have a baby after all, nothing is impossible! Perfect ending to the story I'm so in love

    Thank you for a lovely read Maro, Cannot wait for the new story!


    1. I guess I'm a little predicatable when it comesto happy endings, but I don't mind that! It's what we read these stories for, isn't it??
      Thanks for comments, really pleased you enjoyed.
