Wednesday 5 September 2012

Reasons Why - 25

Chapter 25

So go there! She laughed to herself. It sounded so easy, but as soon as her mother was assured that Chloe was going to find Chris, she did what mother’s do best. She took over! Firstly there was an appointment with the doctor. And in the five days since she’d admitted both her condition and intentions to her mother, nothing had stayed the same. Before the flights, she was tested, scanned, prodded and poked. The consultant at the local hospital had confirmed that she was indeed pregnant, fortunately not with twins, which had been a silent fear, but the surprise was that she was a lot more pregnant than she’d realised.

Standing in the Montpelier hotel, she looked at her reflection in the full length mirror. It was hard to deny her condition now; in just her underwear the gentle dome of her stomach was more than obvious. It was seventeen weeks since that fateful separation in New York, but she was twenty one weeks pregnant. If she gave birth in just over a week’s time, there was a great chance that the baby would be viable, would be developed enough to live.

As she’d left the doctor’s room with the information her mother had smiled. Being a grandmother would never replace losing Owen, but it was something that gave her parents optimism. And a reason to knit! In the last six weeks as a family their world had turned on its head, now there was reason to be optimistic, something to look forward to, for all of them.

Chloe had spent the last few days trying to work out just how she could make this work, be with Chris, have her own independence AND still spend time with her parents. Not easy. Tonight was the greatest day of Chris’s career, and Phil, her wonderful brother had not just secured her a ticket, but was also flying to Vermont to go to the game with her.

This afternoon was a training session from the All Star Team for young developing players, later came the game. She knew that he’d be going from the game to a special dinner or presentation, after all hospitality ruled at these events. Then tomorrow was more meeting fans, training youngsters. That was where Phil had come in, he’d found out which hotel the team were staying at. Hence her being booked into a room there too. Phil had wanted to contact Chris in advance, tell him she was coming, but Chloe had wanted to rely on the element of surprise. She hoped he’d be pleased to see her...but there was that doubt. How much pain could one man tolerate?

At her hands.

With a sigh, she got dressed, and was ready when there was a knock at the door. Pulling back the door Chloe grinned before collapsing into Phil’s arms, she’d not seen him since leaving his house so many months ago but they’d spoken increasingly frequently during the trial, and in her weeks of revelations since. And she’d missed him, and would always be beyond appreciative for all that he and Didi had done for her when she really needed family support.

After a long hug where Chloe knew Phil was as close to tears as she was, they pulled apart and he held her at arm’s length.

                “You look amazing. Are you happy? I mean really? You’ve sounded it on the phone these last few days, but I never know with you!” His eyes took in every inch of her and she could see how much he loved her in that moment.

Chloe grinned, “Ask me tomorrow once I’ve tried to sort this mess out!”

Phil laughed, “He can’t resist you Chlo, you know that!”

She sighed, “We’ll see. How are Didi and the boys?” He regaled stories of Mikey and Carter as a proud father should as they left the room.

The training session was being held at a local college campus, and whatever Chloe had been expecting, what greeted her was a million miles from it. Banners and bunting coloured the sky in a myriad of swirls and glitter, it was so magical. Dozens of stalls offered everything from kit to energy drinks, local radio stations, TV booths, everyone wanted to be part of this event, and the place was packed to the rafters. It was amazing to observe, but to be the pinnacle of this, to be one of the chosen few that spearheaded this event. He’d always told her he loved playing in Canada as it was much lower key, in his winter season he was far more acclaimed, recognised and revered. As she walked through the park she could begin to glimpse how true his words were.

Stopping at a lamp post from which hung an almost full height poster of Chris, she turned to her brother, “Wow!”

He laughed, “Wow indeed. I told you he was a big thing!”

She laughed too, “Take my photo!”

Up until she arrived at the expo she’d imagined that she’d walk up to him, smile and it had all be good. But now she was here it was nowhere near as easy, she couldn’t even get close to the court that hosted the training. A dozen players in the All Stars kit were engrossed with twenty or thirty younger players, groups from maybe ten up to teens. Add to that parents, fans hanging over the court with cameras and autograph books, coaches, glamorous women...she was well down the pecking order. Fortunately she had a plan B.

From her distant point, over many heads, she finally spotted him, Christos Petrakis, and he looked wonderful. Maybe it was something to do with her realising that she really wanted to throw everything at this man in the hope that he’d catch her that made him appear so ethereal or maybe she was really truly seeing him for the first time. 

Even though she was so far away, she couldn’t stop her heart lurching, her body and mind longing for more of him. If ever there was a doubt about her decision to come here, it was washed away by the strength of her response to him. She could barely concentrate on Phil beside her as she wondered exactly how she was going to explain everything. Automatically her hand lowered to her stomach, protectively lying over their growing baby. She hoped for the baby’s sake she hadn’t left this too late. He’d told her that last time was her final chance, and she‘d snubbed him again. She couldn’t and wouldn’t blame him if he walked away, and the last thing she wanted was him to want her because of the baby. Nope, today was definitely make or break.

                “Are you planning on accosting him before the game or going into the dinner? I mean that’s not really fair.” Suddenly Phil’s voice penetrated the dream zone she’d found herself in.

Chloe grinned, “Worse I’m afraid! You know you took that photo of me on my phone?” This was plan B!

                “When we arrived?”

She nodded, “with the All Stars sign behind me, the photo of Chris, the posters, the tickertape...I sent it to his phone!”

Phil stared at her open mouthed, “You did what? The poor bastard! He hasn’t got a hope has he?”

She grinned, “Shit or bust is the rule! I wanted him to know I was here. The rest is up to him. There’s no pressure that way.”

As he probably wouldn’t have his phone on his person he’d not know until he left the training session that she’d been there. She could relax. So she linked her hand through Phil’s elbow and followed him around the campus, collecting the free giveaways, and laughing at the antics of the radio presenters who were recording the speed of shots fired by some of the kids. It was like a festival and a lot of fun.

Making their way back to her hire car, she spotted the commotion that was the All Stars crossing the campus to the changing room. Phil oblivious, marched to the car, but Chloe glancing back suddenly felt sick. Rushing through the crowd to throw herself around a man she knew was Chris, was a beautiful and glamorous woman, tall with dark waist length hair, and elegant too. Everything Chloe wasn’t.

Turning she followed Phil again, not knowing what to think.

Needing some time to process Chris’s ecstatic reaction to the woman, she switched off her phone, then let Phil drive her for dinner.

Travelling to the stadium, that was hosting the match, Phil explained the mechanics of these events, how the best players were selected to play for various All Star Teams, this year it was US All Stars versus the World All Stars, and Chris was captain of the US All Stars team, a huge honour. The equivalent of being in an Olympic or World Cup team was how he compared it. It was still a small sport on a world scale, so these events were huge for the players and fans. After tonight’s exhibition game, there was a whole weekend of more training, fan expos, and sponsor events.

If he noticed she was quiet, Phil didn’t mention it, Chloe still didn’t know who the woman was who’d launched herself at him, but in her heart of hearts she knew he loved her, and he wasn’t the type to be so fickle as to be engrossed with someone else so quickly. It didn’t mean that the memory of that didn’t hurt. But she had to tell him he was going to be a father, whatever else was happening.

The stadium was a huge football stadium, and if it wasn’t full, it wasn’t far from it, the atmosphere was immediately electric. Phil found them some nachos and a coke, then led her to their seats. All too soon the teams were coming out, and the noise was deafening.

The game had a real carnival atmosphere, and whilst she was no expert, she appreciated that the game was exciting and whoops and screams usually followed any goal or action. Phil was trying his best to keep her in the loop, but she really couldn’t focus long enough to fully follow the game. Her mind was still desperately trying to decipher all her problems, and the issues that faced her.

During halftime in the game, she went for a stroll. It was so busy that she was beyond amazed when she spotted a familiar face in the distance. Kassandra Petrakis, Chris’s mother. Chloe literally stopped in her tracks. The last time she’d seen them had been when they’d left Chris, issued their ultimatums and abandoned him. Not once over the last three months had she even considered how Chris was coping with his family, what had happened since. All he ever did was look out for her, and she’d been so self absorbed that she’d not even considered him, his problems and how he was feeling.

Pulling the phone from her pocket, she turned it on and immediately called him. She got his answer phone - of course. It was half time of a huge game.

                “Chris it’s me! I’m so so sorry. For everything. I’m here. I’d love to apologise to you in person. Call me?

As messages went it was more than inadequate. But half way through speaking, she noticed his mother again, accompanied by three girls, Tiana - the spoilt brat, and two others. The tallest of who was the woman who’d launched herself at Chris earlier.  Were they his other two sisters?

Relief washed over her and she had to reach for the wall to hold herself up. Her phone buzzed repeatedly and looking at the screen she spotted at least a dozen texts from Chris, and missed calls. Turning off the phone earlier had been a huge error, and a childish tantrum, though she’d blame it on her hormones when she finally got to see her. Leaning against the wall she was just about to open his first message and read it when her phone burst to life.

                “Chloe? Where the hell are you?”

She listened to Chris’s concerned hiss and absorbed every nuance of it. I love him...were the only could focus on.

                “Are you there?”

Shit! She suddenly snapped back to the here and now, “sorry Chris, yes I’m the game.”

He groaned a strangled sound, “You don’t know how glad that makes me feel. I’ve got three seconds, I’m not supposed to have this phone on at all, but knowing you were here I just keep checking...”

She smiled to herself, “I’ll find you...later.”


With that he was gone.

Chloe could barely contain her grin as she made her way back to Phil. He looked up and groaned.

                “That poor boy!”

She laughed, “He just called me! Very brief, but contact was made!”

The rest of the game passed in a blur, and all too soon it was over. Chris’s team won, a white wash in the end, and the team left the pitch after a celebratory photo shoot, and the announcer informed of time frames for the rather pricey dinner that was being held at the hotel immediately after the game.

Phil drove them back, it was late and he had an early flight back the next day, so once she’d convinced him that she didn’t need his support, he made for bed. When she called and got his messaging service, she’d sighed in frustration, but she knew she had to just sit and wait. She had time. She knew he’d call her back at some point, but an hour later, she was still waiting. She’d imagined at the least she’d have a text or a phone call, instead there was nothing.
Inevitably Chloe couldn’t even imagine sleeping, her mind was overactive, the nervous anticipation had been building slowly all week, and now it was at fever pitch. A nightcap of whisky might ease her restless stomach and calm her nerves, she knew it wasn’t the perfect idea, she was more than a little bit pregnant, but hey, needs must, the odd one wouldn’t hurt, in fact the doctor she’d seen a few days earlier had assured her that there was a medicinal benefit in the odd glass of red wine. Well red wine, whisky, surely it was all the same?

The hotel bar was deserted, no one other than the bar tender cleaning shot glasses. He smiled as she approached, and she ordered a straight JD, and took a seat on a stool at the bar.

The young man exchanged pleasantries, but he could tell that Chloe was in her own place. She’d promised herself that if he hadn’t come to find her that night, that she’d leave the next day. Noise from her left told her that the dinner was behind the large doors. Chris was just there.

She couldn’t resist any longer, dragging her phone from her pocket, she dialled his number. As it cut straight to answer phone she threw her handset onto the bar in anger. The barman glanced at her, and she muttered an apology just as a voice from behind spoke.

                “Someone’s angry? But you’re truly a sight for the sorest of eyes!”

She spun around, her face breaking in to an inane grin as she leapt to her feet. Suddenly she paused; Chris wasn’t as enthusiastic and was still stood across the room from her, his face indecipherable. As he looked her up and down at a devastatingly slow pace, she started to realise. He could tell. She honestly thought the baby...her bump was indiscernible, no one had noticed until recently. But he wasn’t just anyone.

                “Chloe?” His eyes were wide and he looked at her with such confusion that she felt like the biggest fraud in the world.

                “I was just calling you!” She offered, taking a second to digest him now that he was closer than earlier, she could see the smoky depth of his dark eyes, the shadow of stubble on his jaw, and that cute cleft in his chin.

                “Well now I’m here!” Chloe glanced around and noticed the barman had made himself scarce. Gulping for air she tried to smile, but there was venom in Chris’s voice as he continued. “When I heard your voice, heard you wanted to apologise, it was like all my Christmases had come at once, to have you back in my life...but that wasn’t the apology, was it?”

She felt her body start to shake, this wasn’t how it was supposed to be, “part of it, I am really sorry for how I treated you.”

                “And?” he snarled, trying to prompt her.

                “Ok, I’m pregnant Chris, I’m sorry you had to find out like this, but don’t hate me!”

He laughed, “I don’t hate you. But I don’t think I can be involved with someone else’s child Chloe. I don’t think I’m that strong.”

She stared at him, suddenly confused, “what do you mean? This is yours!” She placed her hand protectively over the baby, hoping against hope that the baby was too small to understand their words.

                “How can it be? You look VERY pregnant, and anyway we were always careful!”

She shook her head, “Chris! I’m twenty one weeks, that means we were NOT careful a couple of weeks after I got to Victoria, maybe one of those impromptu times in the shower?” Ignoring his blush of recognition, she carried on. “And I assure you there was no one else when I was in Canada, or for a long time prior to that. So please Petrakis, do not take your insecurities out on me!”

With that, she turned and left the room, it was either that or punch him. 


  1. should've done that too Chole,would made him felt better too

    MZ I'm so so so so sorry for not commenting its just that I was really really heaped into a lot of chores to do,so please don't be upset with me for not commenting because I'm not liking it,but I hope things will slow down a bit for me so I guess I'll comment as regularly as I used to :)


  2. HAHAHAHA way to go, Chris. Pissed her off already. Bravo. And she's pregnant too, good luck with that.

    Hehehe.. I'm loving the direction of this! Unexpected as always but brilliant at the same time. Keep up the great work :D

    xx alisonwonderland

  3. silly man. Can't wait 2 see how things go. M. C.

  4. He shouldn't have said that. I couldn't help but laugh when she said maybe one of those impromptu times in the shower. Oh this is good!
    Absolutely enjoyed this and I cant wait for the next chapter. I hope he chases after her.

    Post Soon
    Samaira T
