Tuesday 19 June 2012

Any questions??? :)

So I haven't commented much to date, I think really because there's a lot going on at the moment and I don't want to give much away! I'm enjoying this story for lots of reasons!

So there have been a few regular commenters, and I'll respond now!

So Mal K there is a honeymoon period and there's a lot of hassle ahead. I suppose the issue is whether their love is enough?

Annie - the glamour is on it's way. I promise! And you might be more astute than you realise! Lots to come!

nessa - Welcome back!! So glad that you're loving this story. So glad it's one of you favourite's, it is a bit different to my other stories. But there are a lot of twists and turns to come - as you'd expect!

Samaira T - yes, her friends have come good so far...though they've not been reintroduced to Nate yet! She's had a sad life but that has only made her strong and determined! Sir Edward will be coming back, but well...let's see who gets the upper hand there! Is this just another battle in a long war?
You asked about where I get names from, that can be a variety of sources. Sometimes a name just seems right, but if they're from overseas I will Google popular names for those countries, or maybe look at a random article or document to get a more unusual name. Some of my characters are real people - Hendrick (Kaiser) was real...though he changed dramatically by the time he got to paper, Jan (Zeigler) was a real character too. There are also some similarities to people, eg. I met a holiday entertainer who was the basis of Jan Zeigler's character, several attitudes or traits of ex boyfriends and friends make it in to characters (though my significant other has been spared this honour!), and there's an element of me in many of the female characters. Often the start of a story will be a scenario...and for this story the scene that started me off on this path has yet to come!
Hope this answers the question? Though feel free to ask more!

Lovely - so lovely to hear from you. Hope you're well. So glad that Pat is as devoted as Nate is! You must have a good one!!!

So thanks for reading, and devotedly commenting! 

Chapter 13 asap! Promise!

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