Thursday 23 January 2014

Trying Not to Love You - Part Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Five

Sonny watched Martha move around the room with confidence he knew she didn’t have, Oldbury was dragging his heels, making their liqueur coffees last longer than was essential. But it gave them both time to restock shelves, relay tables. The kitchen staff had left a while ago, and it was just the two of them, waiting. He was happy he’d cleared the air with her, he didn’t agree with her choice, but Sonny wanted to stay here, wanted to be part of their family, and if it meant being platonic friends with Martha, then he’d manage that, as long as he didn’t touch her. He was a red blooded man not a saint.
When he looked up she was smiling at him from across the counter.
                “I’m really glad you’re back Carter.”
He smiled back, “good, remember that next time I do something wrong, ok?”
She nodded, then leaned closer, “the police couldn’t find any evidence to proceed with the fire, there’s no one to prosecute.”
Sonny glanced across at Oldbury, sat in the corner courting his group of friends like some celebrity. The bastard. He had the chance to bring him down, and there was less and less reason for him to not do as Marcus Thomas requested. Though he’d hate to think what the woman in front of him would think of that.
                “He’ll get what he deserves. I believe in karma.”
She studied him for a moment, “I remember you telling me that, honour amongst thieves...”
He nodded, hating that she remembered that comment more than anything.

Scott clicked his fingers, trying to be commanding, insulting. Martha spotted the tension rise in Sonny’s shoulders at the derogatory gesture, giving her head a little shake she begged him non verbally not to rise to that. Instead she finished cleaning the table she was re-laying, slowly and deliberately.
Lifting her head she was rewarded with Scott’s face once again looking puce. “Scott, we really need to be closing up now, can I get you your bill?”
By pre-empting him she took away the opportunity to talk down at her, to demand his bill, instead he gave a mute nod. With a genial and rather generous smile she cast her eyes over the table then made for the counter and the paper bill that Paul had prepared before he left.
Restocking the wine fridge, Sonny popped up from behind the counter trying to hide the smile that her sassiness had caused.
                “Don’t make him too angry, ok?” He whispered, “as much as it might be fun he’s not someone to mess with ok?”
She gave him a dazzling smile, “who me?”
Then spun around and headed back to the table. Scott scowled as he used his credit card to pay what amounted to a large bill, but then five bottles of five hundred pound champagne made for a hefty bar bill.
As everyone stood to leave, Scott was the last to gather himself together, and he followed his friends, but paused at the door, “think you’re funny Martha, is that what this is?”
She feigned innocence, hating that her heart was racing with fear, “I don’t know what you mean.”
He rolled his eyes, then both became aware of Sonny crossing the room towards them, “You know exactly what I mean, be careful, you wouldn’t want this place going the same way as your barn.”
As Martha gasped in shock, Sonny barged past her and grabbed Scott in a rough hold then physically threw him out of the doorway. He fell to the floor then stood up overly fast his face contorted into a scowl. “Don’t you DARE threaten her.”
                “You’ll pay for this Carter, both of you will!”
Sonny shrugged, “you just threatened to burn this building on CCTV,” he nodded towards one of the cameras that monitored the door, “don’t think that arson is a repeated option for you, is it?”
At the word arson all his companions looked at him in shock. Blubbering excuses, Scott stormed away from the building furiously.
Martha leaned against the wall as Sonny closed the door and couldn’t hold back the laughter, “now he hates you more than me!”
Sonny laughed, “we’ve just got to make sure we don’t let our guards slip, ok?”

As long as he never touched her she’d survive. That was the mantra that she had to live by every day Martha realised as she got used to having Sonny back in the house. Shirtless over breakfast, then hot and sweaty from his run, or later suave and suited for work. Friends, that was as far as it went, she knew that and it was her choice, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t difficult, how had she known him for months and not realised how sexy he was?

Saturday couldn’t come quick enough and a trip back to see Ethan, she missed him every day and treasured the time with him, and she was also grateful for the time away from the trauma of home. She got back late Saturday and whilst feeling shattered fancied some time out. All work and no play...
Changing into her new heels and her best jeans, she wandered up into town and into the Oak. It was busy, karaoke blaring from the conservatory, the bar side was quieter.
James approached smiling, “Martha, haven’t seen you for ages, what can I get you?”
                “Dry white wine?”
He nodded, disappearing to the back of the bar to fill a glass, Martha climbed on to a bar stool and relaxed, this was what she needed, a glass of wine and a busy bar to observe. She was glad she was alone as she wasn’t really feeling conversational.
                “You alone?” he asked handing her the drink.
She nodded, “not great company, so that’s a good thing. It’s busy.”
Grinning he glanced around, “who’d have thought karaoke would have a resurrection?”
                “It’s the best mix with alcohol; just don’t expect me to join in, ok?”
Smiling he moved off to serve another customer, and Martha reached for a newspaper that was left on a bar stool and caught up with the news. People often realised that she was not feeling up to talking as she was given a wide berth, but three glasses of wine later she was feeling a little more mellow.  Across the serving bar she could see into the conservatory, and started to smile at the people up singing...and dancing, as the night went on the participators were getting more and more enthusiastic, but not really any more tuneful.
James came and stood next to her, topping up her glass without her asking, “sure you don’t want a go?”
She shook her head, “no way.”
Laughing James headed to the other side of the bar to serve some of the revellers, so she once again sat alone.

                “Penny for your thoughts?”
It was lovely to hear a familiar voice, and it was probably the only person who she’d want to spend her mellow time with. Looking up she smiled at Sonny, “not worth that. And tonight they’re ugly!”
He laughed, “not thinking about that bastard are you?”
She shrugged, “difficult not to, I mean everywhere you look there’s a reminder.”
Nodding he waved to Pam the barmaid for a vodka, and Martha was glad that James didn’t serve him; she just didn’t want the hassle of another argument.
                “We’ll deal with him, I promise. You believe that?”
Martha sighed, “I want to, but I can’t help feel that we’re like sitting ducks, with the restaurant, and the farm is isolated.”
Sonny cleared half his glass of vodka then sighed with relief, “I needed that, look after the other night, we’ve got the video, that’ll help. I’ve put it in a really safe place, I promised you I would. It’s an insurance policy of types, ok?”
She nodded, “it’s just Dad I worry about.”
He laughed, “Lucy needs no bloody help, she’s scarier than most!”
Martha acknowledged that, but she had noticed that the older woman was starting to warm to Sonny, though he wasn’t in a rush to acknowledge that himself. Though she gave him hours of teasing until they got home later.

Organising the party was chaos, and the days seemed to be zapping away at a rate of knots. A week to go Mandy and Helen came around to the restaurant before it opened to discuss final details. The buffet was organised, the tickets sold, and Martha had offered to help with the decorating, it was being themed black tie, so the men were wearing tuxedoes, the women ball gowns and everyone was making a HUGE effort. Much to Martha’s chagrin. She was bringing her father and Aunt Lucy along; they were both looking forward to it. Again to Martha’s chagrin.
                “So we’ve got fairy lights, drapes and the paper chains,” Martha reassured them, “Meg from the village is donating flower arrangements for the tables.”
Mandy smiled, her husband was due back the following day and she was understandably starting to lose her grip on the ball, hence Martha and Helen doing more and more.
                “Security!” She suddenly squeaked, “we haven’t organised anyone to control the riffraff!”
Helen laughed, “there won’t be any riffraff, and anyway isn’t James organising that?”
                “He couldn’t,” Mandy wailed, “everyone he knows has a ticket, that was the ONE thing I had to do.”
Martha reached out and placed a hand over Mandy’s, “we’ll sort it.” Picking up her phone she called Sonny.

Sonny was amazed to hear from her, it was his day off and he was finalising his plans with Johnny for catching Oldbury. They had worked out what they were doing, but not how they were going to ensnare him. As soon as Martha asked him if he knew anyone who would work as security, a doorman for the event, his eyes lit up, “sorted. Leave it with me.”
Hanging up he turned to Johnny, “just got our answer. You can be security at this ball next week. If Oldbury isn’t there, his cronies will be.  It’ll give you an in, without anyone linking things back to me. What do you think?”
Sonny smiled, Johnny was a good mate, and he was on the promise of a few thousand pounds if he could get Oldbury himself to the money loaded van on the right date. Sonny was pulling the strings, but Johnny was instrumental. They’d been cellmates for the first couple of months that Sonny had been in prison, but Johnny had been released way before him, it was pure chance they’d bumped into each other six months back in a pub in Northbury, and they’d been more than acquaintances since. Neither of them wanted another stretch inside, so this plan had to be foolproof, and Sonny thought he had it made. Oldbury was nothing if not greedy, and he and Johnny were wily, his enemy was no match. He knew that.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for Sonny to bring Scott down! This is so exciting! Eeep!
    It's funny how Sonny is trying to resist touching Martha, and that Martha is doing the same. Hahaha :D
    Thanks for the update! x

    Samaira T
