Thursday 3 May 2012

Learning to Fly - 25

Chapter 25 - Round One

"You're wanted in the management suite!" Rochelle called across the creche putting down the phone that none of them had been in a rush to answer. It was a busy morning, the creche was over subscribed and it was only half an hour ago that a casual member of staff arrived to help them.

Carly felt her heart start to thud, and her throat was suddenly dry, she'd kept a low profile since her meeting with Danica the previous day. She still wasn't sure how she wanted to proceed with all this, and it had been a restless night's sleep that had made her so grumpy in work. She hadn't told Rochelle and Marta about the recent developments, partly because they had both warned her away from Jens, she hated I told you so more than anything else.

Sensing her anxiety at the request from above made Rochelle rush over. "What is it? I didn' t think you'd look so worried! You haven't been stealing from the canteen have you?" The question was loaded with humour, but the sickened expression that was the response freaked her out. "Carly?"

Carly sighed, "you were both right, Jens is a bastard. He's blocked my potential promotion...I don't quite know why. And I think that he's on the war path because I've had the guts to stand up to that. So I think this is the start of something big. Wish me luck!"

With that she left the two women with mouths open in shock!

Both Jens' and Danica's office door were closed, so she took a seat in the central waiting room and waited. Carly didn't know what she was facing, but she had gone to great lengths to protect herself. She'd laughed as she'd copied the document that Camilla had produced. The original she'd sent to her parents address, thinking that it was the safest place. At some point she felt as though she'd become Jason Bourne, living a life of conspiracy where at any moment her personal belongings could be ransacked by untold evil henchmen looking for any proof that Jens had lied.

At that moment the outer door opened and Camilla stuck her head in, mouthing in a rather elaborate but silent manner, she said the words, "it's gone!"

Carly shrugged, unknowing what exactly had gone.

"The evidence! It's gone! Taken from my folder."

Her already racing heart seemed to stop dead, this was definitely a real problem. Someone had taken that piece of evidence, why would they do that unless there was more to come? All her fears about conspiracy theories were anything but fantasy. Groaning, she smiled a thank you at Camilla just as the door to Danica's office opened.

The other woman was alone, and she ushered Carly into the room.

"I've just had a call from the head office in Cologne. There are waves..."

Carly slumped into a chair, "when did this become a nightmare?"

Danica genuinely looked concerned, "Carly, I don't want to be part of a witch hunt..."

Holding up a hand Carly silenced her, "I got myself into this, and I'm not expecting you to jeopardise your job in attempt to help me..."

"I don't appreciate or endorse bullying in the workplace."

Carly sighed, "I'm not going without a fight, any head's up that you can give me would be a great help."

Nodding Danica handed her a piece of paper, "these things are apparently missing from Jens' office." Carly glanced down the list at the items - several forms from her own personnel file, other small things belonging to Jens, including a baseball cap, a hoody, and a set of keys to his chalet. None of which she had, or was likely to ever want.

Carly looked up at Danica, "they're trying to land this on me?"

She shrugged, "I'm thinking there are grounds for dismissal here. the fact that it's your personal file would suggest that you're hiding something. He's going to join us in a few moments, but if I were you, I'd take this copy..." she ran the list through a copier and handed her the print. "And check none of it's in your room."

Reaching for her phone, she photographed the list then sent it to Lucas, along with a quick message. He was far more practical and resourceful than Camilla, but between them she hoped they could help her out.

Literally as she pressed send, and passed the copy back to Danica the door flew open and Jens stood there. How had she ever found that arrogance attractive? If anything he was cocky, over confident and egotistical. 

She'd slumped down to sit opposite Danica at the moment he entered the room, and now he had the advantage of standing over her.

"Miss McLellan." He waited until she nodded, waiting to make eye contact before he continued. "I've called you here as there appears to have been a break in, to my office."

Carly shrugged, wanting to smile at his ridiculous suggestions despite the anxiety and fear of being cornered like this, it was pathetic, but unfortunately he had all the support on his side. 

"I don't know what this has to do with me Mr Konig. I don't work anywhere near your office." Carly made to stand but he reached out to restrain her.

"I don't think you understand, we want to search your room!"

Carly laughed, "I don't think you can just do that with no warning, and with no evidence. So if you'll excuse me."

His grip was firm and insistent, but she was determined that she would escape this situation, lick her woulds and come back at him with the plan that seemed to evade her at every step.

"I insist."

Carly thought she was going to explode, "you have no right. I'm not a criminal, you have no evidence, and you need to accept that this is all about me not going along with whatever sick and sordid plan you had for life."

There was a flare of shock, his eyes widened, to be instantly replaced with indignation, "I don't know what you're talking about, but as the proprietor of this building, I am legally allowed to search any part of the property if I feel it's essential for security." He threw a wad of notes down onto the desk in front of her. "Fresh for the company lawyers. So are you going to come with us? Or avoid us discovering the truth?"

Carly pulled a note pad from her back pocket and started to scribble in as she read aloud the date, time and the words "Konig presumes guilt over incident with no evidence, and treats with lack of respect." As she replaced it in her back pocket she smiled at him, "it's becoming quite the tome, it'll rival War and Peace soon!" It was a confident that she didn't possess, but the way Danica fought a smile and Jens turned purple, she knew she was winning this little battle. She just had to hope that Lucas and Camilla had found everything on the list.

Carly insisted on leading the way, with her most seductive sashay. Adrenaline was keeping up that confidence that she didn't possess, but she had to keep going. Act like she didn't care. It was the only way to beat him.

In all reality, Carly had no idea what she'd find in the bedroom, she had relied heavily on her friends to help her out. She had no idea if Lucas had even had her message. So taking a very deep breath, she slid her key into the lock and swung open the door.

Of all the things she'd imagined seeing when she kicked open the door, the least likely scenario faced her, Camilla in just her very short work skirt and a rather fetching white lacy bra, draped around Lucas, who was wearing the very same red hoodie described in the list Danica had shared with her.

They were both wrestling each other and giggling between kisses until Carly's word's separated them.

"What the hell's going on here?"

She was thinking on her toes and when they both looked up guiltily, she could see the humour in their eyes, this was a part of their plan. So she reacted in an angry way, knowing somehow that it was the reaction they wanted.

"I told you she'd be like this Lucas!" Camilla gasped, dramatically covering herself from the four sets of eyes. Markus had joined them en route. Lucas merely smiled lazily. 

Danica turned to Jens, changing the angle of the conversation," isn't that the sweater you describe?"

Jens nodded, "and surprise we find it here!" He glared at Carly. 

"Excuse me?" Lucas waved a  hand to disturb the conversation. "What's my hoodie got to do with anything?"

Jens turned to him, "that's mine. It along with several other items, were stolen from my office."

Lucas shook his head, "I found this is lost property. It has been there for over a week, so i borrowed it a week ago. Fits well don't you think?" He twirled in front of them, before stooping his head to Camilla and whispering in a ridiculously loud voice, "let's go before you and Carly get into round three." Smiling at the others, he gathered up what looked like his coat and marched out, Camilla followed dragging a shirt on as she ran.

Carly could have kissed them for their dedication and devotion, knowing that amongst the snatched belongings were as many items from the list that they could find, but she had the business of the room search to deal with first. She refused to co-operate, and instead sat with her notepad and pen jotting down details as she observed them, and it drove him mad. Carly could tell by the flush to his cheeks. 

Each moment that they unearthed nothing, she could sense the tension in the room grow. After half an hour she knew that they'd find nothing. And once again she thanked her friends silently.

After an hour, much against his better judgement, Jens had to call in a day.
Storming out of the room, he paused at her words.

"So who's going to clean this room now," she gestured around the room, before adding, "and I'm hoping that you'll explain to Rochelle, my manager where I've been for the last two hours?"

The slam of the door behind him and Markus was the only sound, until the exhale form Danica that was followed by a giggle.

"I don't know how the hell you all did this, but, well I am proud for you!"
Carly smiled, "and thank you too."


  1. An extra chapter as I'm flying with this story's been a little slow going up to now!

    Hope you enjoy!

  2. Omg MZ that was nothing short of GENIUS. I'm SO glad you decided to post again so quickly because you're making me an even bigger fan of yours if it's even possible. I just loved everything about this chapter. And I applaud Lucas and Cam immensely, that was one hell of a show to put on and I LOVED reading about how furious Jens was. He deserves to be taken down!

    Keep up the great work :D

    xx alisonwonderland

  3. WOW...!
    I can't describe how much i enjoyed the trick,they played....and i literally jumped with a 'yey' at the end....lovely soon.


  4. Wowww this was really a quick update! Glad your back on track MZ

    This chapter for me was THE BEST!! I wish she wins this battle


  5. HAHAHA!!! In Your Face Jens!! Go Carly Go Carly! I absolutely loved this chapter!! And I loved it even more that you updated so soon! I am so happy Carly showed Jens his place.
    Lucas And Camilla just made me crack up. I thought they were doing it for real. So glad that Carly has two amazing friends like them!

    Post Soon
    Samaira T
